Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Baroque Fireworks in Dubai

Hello! My first impression of watching the Baroque Fireworks in Dubai is.... WOW. I really amazed with how much fireworks were used in this show. The techno/dub step music really stood out to me and made me look at the fireworks more over-the-top than the fireworks were itself. I'm not sure if the amount of fireworks were really worth the 30 million dollar price tag attached to it and only for a total of 10 minutes! That's crazy that anyone would believe thats well worth the money. Thats over 3 million dollars per minute! I couldn't imagine being there with a huge crowd of people hearing the fireworks boom and hearing the "Oohs" and "Ahhs" after each firework. Maybe, Dubai could have put that 30 million dollars towards something a little more long-lasting? Perhaps, something that might help their citizens or even charities? Only a suggestion... but, the fireworks were really amazing. I don't think they were necessary, but I could only imagine the experience everyone had who was watching them. I can't wait to hear the class discussion and hearing what they thought of the firework show.


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